Event Organizers
“Allison Shreeve was top speaker at Guerrilla Business School, LA from a 12 speaker line up.”
– Mary Glorfield, Success Resources USA
“One of the real stars of the show was Allison Shreeve.. She’s this inspiring speaker and one of the smartest people I know.”
– Alison Savitch, Business Expert Forum, Harvard Faculty Club
David Fegan Testimonial for Allison Shreeve ICON Summit
Clint Arthur Testimonial for Allison Shreeve at Harvard University
Number 1 Best Seller in Amazon in less than 4 hrs, 38% optin rate for his membership, 2 TV Shows, 1 Movie Deal and $2Mil of funding.
Brent Philips Discovered The Missing Link To Residual Income From Allison Shreeve
Made $1994 USD at Global Traffic Summit
– Aldwyn Altuney
Jared now knows how to make money in Facebook while his mates work for $9 / hr at Maccas
Andrea Adams Miller Testimonial at Harvard University 2016
Michelle had a brand new keyworded Facebook page created with over 2000 new likes over night.
Vivian Gaspar Testimonial for Allison Shreeve at Harvard University 2016